White Golf Belt Wallet Giftset (For Men)
Prod Code : BM-BS-17BT1WT1
Composition : White Tricolor Golf Belt (Square Buckle) 1pc
Bi-fold Wallet Blue Stripe Point for Men 1pc
Color : (Belt) WHITE
(Wallet) BLACK
Materials : Natural Cowhide
Brand/Manufacturer : YEUNWOO Co.,Ltd.
Origin : Made in Korea
Dimension : (Box) 21 x 19.5 x 5.5 cm
(Belt) 114 x 3.3 cm
(Wallet) 10.5 x 9 cm (DeepType) , 9 x 10.5 cm (SlimType)
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4동 202호 (덕이동, 양우로데오메인타운)